
Our worship follows the principles laid out in Scripture, and as believers, we are the living temples of God, called to offer worship that is holy and pleasing to Him.

We believe in the Worship of God the Father.

We worship God the Father, the Creator of all things, who is holy, loving, and sovereign. Our worship is directed solely to Him.

We believe in the Son of God, the Lamb of God.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is central to our faith. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world through His sacrifice on the cross.

We believe in the Holy Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit is God’s presence with us, guiding, comforting, and empowering us to live out our faith.

We believe in the Bible, the Holy Word of God.

The Bible is God’s inspired Word, providing us with guidance, truth, and revelation. It is the foundation of our beliefs and practices.

We believe in the Church as the gathering of the Body of Christ.

The Church is the community of all believers, gathered together to worship, learn, and support each other in faith.

We believe in marriage.

Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God, symbolizing the union between Christ and His Church.

We believe in the family unit.

The family is a fundamental institution created by God, essential for the nurturing and development of individuals.

We believe in resurrection.

We believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future resurrection of all believers to eternal life.

We believe in the Son of God.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our Savior and Lord, through whom we receive salvation and eternal life.

We believe in the power of fellowship.

Fellowship with other believers is crucial for spiritual growth, encouragement, and accountability.

We believe God is the God of all nations, tribes, and tongues, and we have no denominational affiliation.

God is sovereign over all people, and we do not affiliate with any specific denomination, focusing solely on the Word of God.

We believe in the holy institution of marriage.

Marriage, as designed by God, is a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman.

We believe in the resurrection of the Son of God.

Jesus Christ’s resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith, assuring us of victory over sin and death.

We believe in Heaven.

Heaven is the eternal dwelling place of God and the ultimate destination for all believers.

We believe in Hell.

Hell is the place of eternal separation from God for those who reject His salvation.

We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers believers for service and sanctifies them for holy living.

We believe in the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures and that there are 66 books in the Bible.

The Bible consists of 66 books, divinely inspired and authoritative for teaching and instruction.

Our worship is directed exclusively to God the Father, rejecting all idols and false gods.

We believe in the order of worship as stated in the Word of God, and we believe we are now the temples of God to offer holy and acceptable worship.

We do not worship any image or other god; we worship the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.